Can two Jedi Knights resolve a trade dispute, rescue the queen, test a child for MIDICHLORIANS, and succeed at sports betting before the deadly BATTLE DROIDS attack? Yippee!!
Self - Narrator
Self - Narrator
Self - Narrator
Qui-Gon Jinn
Obi-Wan Kenobi
Padme Amidala
Anakin Skywalker
Senator Palpatine / Darth Sidious
Jar-Jar Binks
Antidar Williams / Mace Windu / Fake Amidala / Rabé / Sabé
Darth Maul / Yoda / Mas Amedda
TC-14 / Shmi Skywalker
Maoi Madakor / Tey How / Jira / Amee / Bravo Two / Panaka
PK-4 / Rune Haako / OOM-9 / Kitster / Guard / Bail Organa / B1
EG-9 / Sio Bibble / Sebulba / Wald / Ki-Adi Mundi / Lott Dodd
Nute Gunray / Boss Nass / Watto / Valorum
Daultray Dofine / OWO-1 / Vendor / Tarpals / C-3P0 / Seek
Guard Droid / Ric Olié
Self - Announcer
Retired Filmmaker George Lucas
John Williams